Using the BNC XML Edition with Xaira
This sections contains a quick-guide to searching the BNC XML Edition with Xaira in the form of some sample queries. The intention is not to provide a comprehensive collection but mainly to illustrate how you, by using Xaira, can make use of some of the annotation in the BNC. Try the queries to get used to the program or use them as a starting point to finding the information you need. There is often more than one way to make a particular search. For more detailed information about the Xaira functions, see the Xaira manual. Information about how to obtain and install Xaira can be found on a separate page.
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Start using BNC XML Edition with Xaira
Before you can use the corpus with Xaira, you need to install the corpus and the Xaira client program on your computer (if you are using a networked version of the corpus, you only need to install the Xaira client. You then use that to connect to your server. Ask your server manager for details). You can find information about the installation procedure on the 'Installing BNC XML Edition' page.
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